Monday, June 24, 2013


Hi guys!

Sorry I've been so awol lately, the past few weeks have been absolutely insane. We've been travelling a lot visiting family and in the process of a big move. My husband recently got a job in Kansas City so we're relocating! This means apartment searches, packing and taking the little bit of time off before starting work to go see not only my family but his as well. At the moment, we're in Alabama soaking in the sun (lol jk, it's way too hot and I refuse to stop being a hermit and go outside). We'll be here for about a week and a half, maybe two weeks since he doesn't start until after Fourth of July. I hope you guys are having a wonderful June and enjoying life as much as I am. As stressful as it is, now is the time to embrace life to the fullest and really look at every new opportunity as an adventure!

I did, however, recently make oatmeal chocolate chip muffins and will be posting the recipe soon so look out for that!


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